Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Henrik Hop Up

Henrik's Aunties, Beth and Jill, visited Seattle over Mother's Day and on the last night of their stay Auntie Beth suggested that we give li'l h an opportunity to try out his Johnny Jump Up that had arrived in the mail from Maga and Grandpa Larry a few weeks before.  This is the result:

No real jumping, but it was a definite hit, and looked to be promising in the future.

Since then we've used the "Henrik Hop Up" (further known as the HHU) from time to time and he has enjoyed it as more of a place to hang out, spin, and stomp around than as a jumper.  But, incrementally, he's been improving his use of the "jump up" feature.  Just last week he crossed over the line on which side we can now call him a Jumper.  As proof, I submit the video below:

Bonus photos: