Thursday, January 27, 2011

Due Date!

Well, here it is, little Henrik's due date and he's already 9 days old.  We've actually been having a fun time adjusting to our new roles as sleep deprived new parents of a certain age.  As for our sub-roles, Dawn has been doing a great job acclimating herself to the joys and pains and blisters of 'new breastfeeding mother', and I've been honing my pee dodging and single wet wipe maximization skills as 'lord of the diapers.'  We realize how incredibly fortunate we are to have the luxury of both staying home during this early break in period and sharing all these new experiences together.

One of our favorite things, as I assume is true for all new parents, is to spend time bonding with Henrik after he's been fed and changed, when he's satisfied, awake, and calm.

On Tuesday, after getting a little stir crazy we decided to take advantage of the rare Seattle sunshine and walk to Makeda Coffee, one of our neighborhood coffee shops, for some fresh brew and baked goods.  Dawn took the photo below while we were there.  I'm not sure how I could be more of a cliche in it.  Maybe I'll send it to Pemco Insurance for one of their "We're a lot like you" Seattle profiles ads.*  Profile #273: The unshaven, flannel shirt and beanie wearing, Moby wrap baby carring, soy latte sipping, aging Seattle hipster, and new father.

*For those of you not living in the Seattle area and/or feeling lost by this pop-culture reference, see the We're A Lot Like You series of ads.


  1. Oh, now that is just hilarious. If I may add to your already dead-on cliche: do you also live in Ballard and drive a Subaru?! Hehe... Aren't we all a little cliche though, really? It's so great to see the fur-siblings interact with Henrik, it gives me hope that I may someday be able to add a human baby to my pack! Take care you guys!

  2. very funny :) love the cliche website... i work with the "40 degrees in Feb-wear flip flops, take out the jeep and not wear a coat" guy!

    Henrik is changing so much already! thanks for sharing the great pictures..and the video! love ya
